Trivandrum, April 10 (TruthDive): In the Malayalam movie Mayamohini, Dileep plays as Biju Menon’s wife, a lady role. The film was released on Saturday, April 7th. The film is doing well in the BoxOffice, as the movie is considered as Dileep’s best film till date.
Mayamohini is directed by Jose Thomas and Dileep plays the role of Mayamohini, a Mumbai girl and with Biju Menon and Baburaj in the lead roles. On seeing the box office collection , the movie is considered undoubtedly as one of the biggest hits in the Malayalam film industry so far.
Mayamohini was screened on 70 screens on Saturday and the movie got a massive opening with a box office collection Rs. 90 lakh on the opening day. The movie got a huge response from the masses.
Further latest reports say the first weekend collection of the movie has gone up to 1.80 crore gross, that is the collection within 2 days of its release. The movie is also expected to garner more collection in the coming days.
On seeing the tremendous response from the public, many theatres have increased their number of shows. There wasn’t much promotion for the movie by the makers, yet the movie has been popularized just from the mouth words of the puplic.
The highlight of the film is the lady make-up of Dileep. The girl make-up was done on Dileep by Roshan. The concentration for Dileep’s make-up was also done on bindis, chappals and nail polish, apart from the facial make-up.
Dileep concentrated not only in his make-up, he spared his hardwork in the acting part too. He was keen in all aspects of the character, such as looks, acting, body language and gesture. Dileep made sure he was convincing enough as a woman. The actor said acting as a lady was quite challenging to him.
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